Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).
Table | Field | Description |
version_2020_people | non-Christians who know Christians | non-Christians who know Christians. |
version_2020_people | Note | Additional descriptive data for this people group in this country. |
version_2020_people | Offers pc pa | This is a per year/ per capita figure for the cited people group. Offers are a scientific count producing numbers of concrete disciple-opportunities, invitations, chances to hear the gospel and become disciples of Christ. |
version_2020_people | Online scripture code | Scriptures available online for this people group (0-4). 4= Full Bible with specific online outreach (GMO, Jesus.Net,; 3= Full Bible available online; 2= New Testament available online; 1= Portions or same-cluster language available online; 0= No online scriptures. |
version_2020_people | People % | Persons in this people group as % country. |
version_2020_people | People % 2000 | Persons in this people group as % country in year 2000. |
version_2020_people | People Name | Name of this ethno-linguistic people group. |
version_2020_people | People population | Number of persons in this people group, in 2020. |
version_2020_people | People reference number | Unique reference number (primary key) for each People group. |
version_2020_people | Pop 2000 | Persons in this people group in year 2000. |
version_2020_people | Pop 2025 | Projected number of persons in this people group, in 2025. |
version_2020_people | Religion Note | Percentage makeup by religion code. |
version_2020_people | Religion note 2000 | Percentage makeup by religion code. |
version_2020_people | ROP2 ID | Harvest Information Standard's Registry of Peoples level 2 people cluster code. |
version_2020_people | Scriptures | (P)ortions, (N)ew Testaments and (B)ible availability. Capital letter indicates availability in mother-tongue, lower case letter indicates availability in a near-language (at least 80% common vocabulary). "Portions" means a single book of the Bible, usually a gospel. |
version_2020_people | Second language scripture code | Translation availability of (1) Portions, (2) New Testament or (3) Bible in a language other than the mother-tongue. |
version_2020_people | Shintoists | Shintoist population for this people group in this country. These are Japanese who profess, or still profess, Shinto as their first or major religion. |
version_2020_people | Signed text code | 1 = hearing-impaired (signed) Scriptures available for the deaf. |
version_2020_people | Sikhs | Sikh population for this people group in this country. These are followers of the Sikh reform movement out of Hinduism, who look to the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India (sects: Akali, Khalsa, Nanapanthi, Nirmali, Sewapanthi, Udasi). |
version_2020_people | Source of People % | the primary source of the population estimate. |
version_2020_people | Spiritists | Spiritist population for this people group in this country. These are Non-Christian spiritists or spiritualists, or thaumaturgicalists; high spiritists, as opposed to low spiritists (Afro-American syncretists), followers of medium-religions, medium-religionists. |
version_2020_people | Target code | This is the targeting variable for this people group. "Targeting Variable" is a term from the United Nations’ usage, denoting priority of measurable benefits: literacy, health care, famine or disaster relief (1-10, with 1=top priority). |
version_2020_people | TV Note | Names or initials of TV broadcasters who have been or are beaming programs to this people. |
version_2020_people | Unevangelized | This is how many individuals in this people group that remain unevangelized as of 2020. |
version_2020_people | Unevangelized % | This percentage of the people group's population remains unevangelized. |
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