World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_people non-Christians who know Christians non-Christians who know Christians.
version_2020_people Note Additional descriptive data for this people group in this country.
version_2020_people Offers pc pa This is a per year/ per capita figure for the cited people group. Offers are a scientific count producing numbers of concrete disciple-opportunities, invitations, chances to hear the gospel and become disciples of Christ.
version_2020_people Online scripture code Scriptures available online for this people group (0-4). 4= Full Bible with specific online outreach (GMO, Jesus.Net,; 3= Full Bible available online; 2= New Testament available online; 1= Portions or same-cluster language available online; 0= No online scriptures.
version_2020_people People % Persons in this people group as % country.
version_2020_people People % 2000 Persons in this people group as % country in year 2000.
version_2020_people People Name Name of this ethno-linguistic people group.
version_2020_people People population Number of persons in this people group, in 2020.
version_2020_people People reference number Unique reference number (primary key) for each People group.
version_2020_people Pop 2000 Persons in this people group in year 2000.
version_2020_people Pop 2025 Projected number of persons in this people group, in 2025.
version_2020_people Religion Note Percentage makeup by religion code.
version_2020_people Religion note 2000 Percentage makeup by religion code.
version_2020_people ROP2 ID Harvest Information Standard's Registry of Peoples level 2 people cluster code.
version_2020_people Scriptures (P)ortions, (N)ew Testaments and (B)ible availability. Capital letter indicates availability in mother-tongue, lower case letter indicates availability in a near-language (at least 80% common vocabulary). "Portions" means a single book of the Bible, usually a gospel.
version_2020_people Second language scripture code Translation availability of (1) Portions, (2) New Testament or (3) Bible in a language other than the mother-tongue.
version_2020_people Shintoists Shintoist population for this people group in this country. These are Japanese who profess, or still profess, Shinto as their first or major religion.
version_2020_people Signed text code 1 = hearing-impaired (signed) Scriptures available for the deaf.
version_2020_people Sikhs Sikh population for this people group in this country. These are followers of the Sikh reform movement out of Hinduism, who look to the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India (sects: Akali, Khalsa, Nanapanthi, Nirmali, Sewapanthi, Udasi).
version_2020_people Source of People % the primary source of the population estimate.
version_2020_people Spiritists Spiritist population for this people group in this country. These are Non-Christian spiritists or spiritualists, or thaumaturgicalists; high spiritists, as opposed to low spiritists (Afro-American syncretists), followers of medium-religions, medium-religionists.
version_2020_people Target code This is the targeting variable for this people group. "Targeting Variable" is a term from the United Nations usage, denoting priority of measurable benefits: literacy, health care, famine or disaster relief (1-10, with 1=top priority).
version_2020_people TV Note Names or initials of TV broadcasters who have been or are beaming programs to this people.
version_2020_people Unevangelized This is how many individuals in this people group that remain unevangelized as of 2020.
version_2020_people Unevangelized % This percentage of the people group's population remains unevangelized.
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