World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_people Country ID Country ID of this people group.
version_2020_people Cross-cultural code A numerical range of cross-cultural activity spelled out in the 'Cross-Cultural' data field. 0-16 scale, with 16 representing the most cross-cultural witnessing possible.
version_2020_people Daoists Daoist population for this people group in this country. These are followers of one of the 3 major religions of China, regarded as part of Chinese folk religion.
version_2020_people Denominations Data-entered number of denominations present in this people group. (Overrides the count listed in Denom_note).
version_2020_people Denominations code A number code is assigned to each range of denominations, e.g. no denominations present = 0, two denom. = 2, 3-10 denominations present = 3, 11-20 denom. = 4, and over 20 denom. = 5.
version_2020_people Denominations note Names or initials of denominations working among this people.
version_2020_people Discipleship code Discipleship/discipling (0-10) for this people group. The code number represents the percentage of the people's population who have become evangelized in the recent past and up to the present as a result of local Christians' personal witness and evangelism.
version_2020_people Ethnic religionists Ethnic religionist population for this people group in this country. "Ethnic religionists" is a collective term for primal religionists, animists, spirit-worshippers, shamanists, ancestor-venerators, polytheists, pantheists, traditionalists (in Africa), local or tribal folk-religionists; including adherents of neo-paganism or non-Christian local or tribal syncretistic or nativistic movements, cargo cults, witchcraft eradication cults, possession healing movements, tribal messianic movements; still occasionally termed pagans, heathen, fetishists; usually confined each to a single tribe or people, hence tribal or local as opposed to universal (open to any or all peoples).
version_2020_people Ethnic religionists who know Christians Ethnic religionists who know Christians.
version_2020_people Ethnicity The Ethnicity or ethnocultural family of this people group.
version_2020_people Ethnicity ID The Ethnicity code for the ethnicty or ethnocultural family of this people group.
version_2020_people Evangelism Responsiveness A measure of new church members baptized per year, per million evangelism-hours expended per year. Higher values indicate greater responsiveness to evangelism, lowest values signify small or even zero response.
version_2020_people Evangelized Number of persons in this people group living in this country who have had adequate opportunity, or opportunities, to hear the gospel and to respond to it, whether they respond positively or negatively by 2020.
version_2020_people Hindus Hindu population for this people group in this country. Followers of the main Hindu traditions: (a) Vaishnavites (Vishnaivites) numbering 70% of all Hindus; (b) Saivites numbering 25% mostly in South India; (c) Saktists or other sects (3%); (d) neo-Hindu movements and modern sects arising out of Hinduism, about 1.5%; and (e) Arya Samaj and other reformist movements, 0.5% (Brahmo Samaj, Prarthana Samaj, Swami-Narayanis, Ramakrishna Mission, but excluding Jains and Sikhs).
version_2020_people Hindus who know Christians Hindus who know Christians.
version_2020_people Jains Jain population for this people group in this country. Followers of the Jain reform movement are from Hinduism, composed of the Svetambara and Digambara sects.
version_2020_people JESUS-film code A numeric code for Jesus Film availability for this people group in this country: 2= available 10 years or more; 1= available for less than 10 years, or available in near-language only; 0= not available in mother tongue or its cluster of languages.
version_2020_people Jews Jewish population for this people group in this country.
version_2020_people Language code Three letter ISO 639-3 language code.
version_2020_people Language ID ID number of the primary language spoken by this people.
version_2020_people Mass evangelism code Numeric code for mass evangelistic campaigns (0-5) for this people group; 5= the most extensive, and 0= none.
version_2020_people Muslims Muslim population for this people group in this country.
version_2020_people Muslims who know Christians Muslims who know Christians.
version_2020_people Neoreligionists Neoreligionist population for this people group in this country.
version_2020_people New Reader code 1= New Reader Scriptures available in this language. 'New Reader Scriptures' is a UBS-sponsored program for producing versions of the Scriptures specially compiled for newly-literate persons.
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