World Christian Database: field definitions

Data source: Gina A. Zurlo and Todd M. Johnson, eds., World Christian Database (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024).

Table Field Description
version_2020_country State Religion 2000 The official state religion of this country in 2000. A 'state religion' is the religion recognized in law as the official religion of a country.
version_2020_country State Religion 2020 The official state religion of this country. A 'state religion' is the religion recognized in law as the official religion of a country.
version_2020_country UN Development group Here, 1=more; 2=less; 3=least-developed as defined by UN. (1) More developed regions comprise Europe, Northern America, Australia/New Zealand and Japan. (2) Less developed regions comprise all regions of Africa, Asia (except Japan), Latin America and the Caribbean plus Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia. (3) The are 46 least developed countries:  33 in Africa, 9 in Asia, 4 in Oceania and one each in Latin America and the Caribbean. Primary source: United Nations 2022.
version_2020_country UN Region Region of the world to which the United Nations (UN) has assigned this country.
version_2020_country UN Region code Code for the region of the world the United Nations (UN) has assigned this country.
version_2020_country Unaffiliated Christians Persons professing allegiance and commitment to Christ but who have no church affiliation.
version_2020_country Unevangelized % The unevangelized in this country represent this percentage of the country's total population.
version_2020_country Unevangelized Peoples Count of unevangelized (World A) people groups in the country.
version_2020_country Unevangelized Pop The number of persons in this country that remain unevangelized.
version_2020_country Urban % Number of urbanites as a percentage of the country's population.
version_2020_country Urban growth rate The annual growth rate of the urban population. Primary source: United Nations 2022.
version_2020_country Urban Pop Number of urbanites (town and city dwellers) in this country.
version_2020_country Version 2020 Country code Four-letter abbreviation assigned to country for database purposes.
version_2020_country Water Access % Percentage of the country's population using improved drinking-water sources. Primary source: World Health Organization 2018 (in HDR 2018).
version_2020_country WCEO URL External link to the World Christian Encyclopedia (3rd edition) article for this country. (Subscription product: World Christian Encyclopedia Online, Todd M. Johnson, Gina A. Zurlo. Brill, 2020).
version_2020_country Wealth per capita Individual net worth, per person in 2018, expressed in US dollars (official exchange rates). Defined as the marketable value of financial assets plus non-financial assets (principally housing and land) less debts. Primary source: Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2018.
version_2020_country World A pop Population of World A (unevangelized) individuals in this country in 2020.
version_2020_country World B pop Population of World B (evangelized non-Christian) individuals in this country in 2020.
version_2020_country World C pop Population of World C (Christian) individuals in this country in 2020.
version_2020_country World evangelization code A country is designated as 'A' 'Unevangelized' if less than 50% of its population is evangelized. It is designated 'B' 'Evangelized non-Christian if 50% or more of its population is evangelized and less than 60% Christian. It is designated 'C' 'Christian' if 60% or more of its population is Christian.
version_2020_country Year begun The first year this country had Christian residents.
version_2020_country Zoroastrian % Number of Zoroastrians as a percentage of the country's population in year 2020. Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in Persia in BC 1200 by the prophet Zoroaster teaching the worship of Ahura Mazda, now followed by Parsis in India and a large underground presence in Iran, Afghanistan, et alia.
version_2020_country Zoroastrians Number of Zoroastrians in this country's population. Zoroastrianism is a religion founded in Persia in BC 1200 by the prophet Zoroaster teaching the worship of Ahura Mazda, now followed by Parsis in India and a large underground presence in Iran, Afghanistan, et alia.
version_2020_people Agencies code Code of mission agencies present (0-5) in this people group: 5= 20+ agencies at work; 4 = 11-20; 3= 3-10; 2= 2 agencies; 1= 1 agency; 0 = 0 agencies at work.
version_2020_people Agency count Data-entered number of mission agencies present in this people group. (Overrides number listed in Agency_note).
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